Digital products

OSNI Large Scale Mapping
OSNI Largescale vector mapping data containing richly themed attribution at 1:1250 and 1: 2500 scales. Also boundary and road centreline products derived from OSNI Largescale.

High quality georeferenced digital aerial photography, orthorectified to remove radial distortion. Available in jpg and ecw formats.

Address data and gazetteers
Fully georeferenced Pointer address data for Northern Ireland, which includes the UPRN unique identifier, and is available in csv format. Textual gazetteers based on 1:50,000 and 1:250,000 mapping are also available.

Height products
OSNI Enhanced DTM dataset provides terrain elevations for ground positions at regularly spaced intervals with breaklines. Available in dxf format. The 10m and 50m DTM's have been withdrawn from sale and is now available under Open Government Licence.

Raster mapping
OSNI raster datasets providing accurate cartographic context to your data. Includes 1:10,000, 1:25,000 activity, 1:50,000, 1:250,000 and 1:1,000,000 scale mapping. Available in jpg, tiff and ecw formats.

1:50,000 Scale Vector
Series of bundled vector datasets, including administrative boundaries, settlements, vegetation and water. Available in Mapinfo and ESRI formats.

Three fully attributed smallscale reference datasets contributing to the European Spatial Data Infrastructure. Available as shapefile, mdb or gdb format.

Historical products
Historical Six Inch to One Mile County Series Archive provides scanned versions of historical mapping products from 1834 onwards. Currently available in jpg format. If a tile is stated to be unavailable please do not add to your basket as this will cause your order to fail